1. Pay Attention
Paying attention in class is one of the most crucial practices a successful student is required to do. Even though you do not like a particular subject try to focus all your energy on it and carefully listen to what the teacher is saying. Clarify your doubts immediately otherwise; it will become harder to concentrate if you are stuck at a single point.
2. Taking Notes
It is not possible to remember every word the teacher says. So, it is essential that you jot down notes in the form of main points that summarize what the teacher is explaining. This practice also makes it easier to concentrate and avoid distractions.
3. Clarifying Doubts
In order to avoid being lost during a lecture make sure that you clarify all your doubts. One of the secrets to success is an interactive environment. When there is a two-way discussion going on you do not get bored, and the monotony fades away within a few minutes. Review your notes after the class and make a list of doubts you encounter afterward. Take this list in the next class and discuss it with your teacher. Cross of doubts as they are cleared.
4. Avoiding Distractions
Just like during your self-study hours, keep your mobile phone away. In a classroom, try to sit away from chatty students and as close to the teacher as possible. This way even the chatty ones will not be able to distract you.
5. Developing a Positive Relationship With Your Teacher
Another thing that determines the success of an individual in high school and college is his relationship with the teachers and staff. This time is one of the most crucial times of your life, and you should get all the support you need.
Don't forget to have fun!
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Someone has rightly said this. Along with studying it is essential for every student to have a carefree time where he can just have some fun and relax with his friends. During that time one should not even think about studies. Performing fun activities with friends will help you regenerate the energy you need for studying. This way, you will concentrate better while studying.
If you learn how to maintain a perfect balance between studies and other extracurricular activities, then no one can stop you from becoming successful. You can have an active social life as well as strive for achieving your goals at the same time. All you need to do is be a good planner and success will naturally come to you.