What is time management?
As our energy and money, time is a finite resource and as such, it needs to be effectively managed. Time management is about planning and controlling the amount of time you spend on specific tasks.
Some of the important skills students need to manage time effectively include.
1. Goal setting
It’s almost impossible to use time well if you don’t know what to do with it. Students can benefit from having short and long-term goals. For example, a short term goal might include completing their homework early each day, so they have ample time to practice music. Their long term goal could be to play in the school or church band, or the Australian Youth Orchestra
2. Prioritisation
By assessing what needs to be achieved within a given timeframe, tasks can be rated according to their importance. Setting priorities for each day, week, month, and year can help students accomplish their goals. It also helps to ensure activities that are vitally important but not urgent such as personal devotions, adequate sleep, and exercise are given precedence. Some people like to prioritize easy tasks early in the day and use the boost to move forward.
3. Organisation
Once priorities are set, it’s important to have a plan for getting them done. Some people are naturally well organized, and others need some help. Strategies like maintaining an up to date calendar and keeping a tidy study environment help. There are many useful software programs and apps to aid organizations.
4. Managing stress
Nobody performs at their peak under excessive stress. Students need healthy ways to manage the pressures of study while maintaining productivity. Getting enough sleep and exercising are all great ways to keep stress at bay, and actually make learning more efficient.