What are Moral Values?
According to this article, any activity that involves making judgments requires the use of values. While “morals” are our own sense of what is right and wrong based on the individual and collective experiences that link us as a society.
In essence, moral values are personality traits that guide us to make judgments and decisions based on what we think is right or wrong. Since every one of us has different experiences, moral values can vary from person to person. This is why we have different reactions to different kinds of situations. And most of the time, a person’s values are a reflection of the environment they grew up in.
Importance of moral values
If you have heard people claiming about (or of the lack of!) good ethics and value systems, then what they harp on is moral value. Morality defines an action to be good or bad. It is a term that has been used for differentiating between good qualities and bad qualities. This understanding of good and bad makes the individual or the society realize the necessity of the good actions to be followed to sustain oneself and the community. Therefore every individual and society comes with their set of ethics and values. Ethics are an accepted set of moral principles followed by a society or an individual whereas; values depict the personal behavioral standards of what is valuable or important.