What is E-learning
E-learning is a structured course or learning experience delivered electronically; it can also include performance support content. There are also many different elements that can make up an e-learning program, such as live or pre-recorded lecture content, video, quizzes, simulations, games, activities, and other interactive elements.
Unlike the traditional method of teaching with board and chalk, E-learning is fulfilled with the online mode of learning as the students can learn at their comfort and requirements.
Let’s have a look at the advantages of E-Learning to the students:
·You can access the study material unlimited times.
·You can study your Courses anytime and anywhere.
·Students can access updated content when they want.
·Unlike the traditional method of teaching, e-learning has a quick mode of delivery. This indicates that learning time is reduced.
· E-Learning provides scalability which helps in providing training.
· All students can receive the same type of syllabus, study materials and train through E-Learning.
· Through E-Learning, you can save time, money and reduced transportation cost. so, E-Learning is cost-effective compared to traditional learning.
·E-Learning is provided online so No need for papers like traditional learning. Thus, we can save the Environment through this.
One can link the various resources in several varying formats.
·Web-based learning promotes active and independent learning.
·College students, people working full time, homeowners, You Tubers, and coaching institutes can take advantage of e- learning education.
·One biggest advantage of the internet or e-learning is that one can educate oneself in the comfort of their own home and get a degree.
These are some impossible things which are made possible only because of technology.
·Another benefit is that eLearning is based upon convenience and flexibility. All the resources for the students as well as teachers are available in one place.
· Anyone can get training on a day to day basis. It can be on weekends or whenever one has the free time.
·E-learning is also beneficial for business. This is because employees should also be educated about new skills. It helps in improving their efficiency and is fruitful for the future education course of time.
·There is an easy way for clearing doubts through discussion boards or chat boxes. Tutors can easily answer the queries of students. Thus, it leads to better interaction.
·Global level education- Tutors can provide online education in multiple languages and people from different time zones.
·Last but not the least eLearning is a boon to the environment as the paperless teaching has contributed a lot in saving the trees. Also, tutors are feeling this option great as now the evaluation of each student is done online which is quicker and less tiring.
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