Simple tips to increase concentration to study for long hours
Sitting for long hours and using those hours effectively for studying can be a challenge. The following tips can help you study for long hours effectively: –
1. Study with your friend: Studying alone may make you lose focus at times. To get that energy back, break the monotony and start studying along with your friend. This can motivate you and also help you complete complex topics quickly.
2. Choose a nice study place: A silent and tidy room is required to get proper focus on studies. This can keep you away from unnecessary distractions. Don’t use dim lighting as you may tend to sleep.
3. Take short breaks: Sitting in one place for long hours can cause tiredness and fatigue. Get up and walk every 30 minutes. Some fresh air can re-energize you. There is no harm in taking a few-minute break.
4. Practice Meditation: When you get bored, do some yoga or pranayama. This will boost your energy levels quickly.
5. Choose the right time to study: Some of you could be nocturnal, and others could be early birds. Choosing the proper time is very important because that’s when your concentration will be at its peak. When you read every day during the chosen time, you can finish studying the portions quite faster.
6. Keep things handy: Whether it’s a book, pen, or water bottle, keep everything on your study table. Don’t move from your place just for water or a notebook. Keep your table neat. Don’t have books and papers you don’t want to use on your table. A messy table doesn’t allow you to concentrate properly.
7. Sleep tight: Sleep is highly essential one of the tips to increase concentration and memory power. Try to get 6-7 hrs of sleep that can make you fresh and energetic. Lack of sleep makes you feel dull and lethargic.
8. Reward yourself: Self-motivation is essential to all of us. Just bribe yourself to complete your tasks on time. If you finish studying as per schedule, reward yourself with a 30-minute break with friends or listen to your favorite song, any small thing you like to do.
9. Have a plan before you study: Without having a plan daily, you cannot attain your goal. Make a realistic plan and stick to it. These helpful tips to increase concentration as you know that you are bound to finish a few things as per the schedule every day.
10. Stay away from Phones & social media: You have to keep your smartphones in silent mode while studying. Social media can take a lot of your time. Till your exams get over, don’t be active on social media. Avoid these distractions and concentrate on your studies.
We hope you got clarity on how to improve concentration. Examinations require our commitment and dedication. Only with the right attitude and focus can we pass the examination with distinction.
As a student, you will be well aware of the things that distract you. Stay away from all those, hone your concentration skills and prepare for your examinations with sincere efforts and determination. Get ready for your examinations by improving your concentration. You will be surprised to see the transformation in you!
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